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Raw Cashew Hummus Collard Wrap

by Arielle J on March 23, 2013

collard green cashew hummus wrap

1 1/2 cups raw cashews (soaked for at least 5 hrs)
2 tbs tahini
1/4 water
3 tbs lemon juice
2 garlic cloves
1/4 tsp sea salt
1 large collard green (or a gluten-free brown rice wrap)

Radishes or radish sprouts– spices up the dish + stimulates digestion
Carrots– adds crunch + color + natural sweetness
Beets– adds crunch + color + natural sweetness + cleanses liver
Dandelion greens– bitter + aids in cleansing
Avocado– adds creaminess + good fat + satiating
Uemboshi/Apple Cider Vinegar– stimulates liver cleansing
Cayenne– adds a spicy kick + boosts metabolism

1. Soak and drain cashews.
2. In blender, blend the garlic, then add the soaked cashews, garlic, lemon, tahini and sea salt and blend!
3. Spread cashew hummus onto a collard green wrap, add in some radish sprouts, dandelion greens, seasonal carrots and avocado. Roll it up and voila!

1. Soak and drain cashews.
raw cashew hummus by be well with arielle - soaking the cashews
raw cashew hummus by be well with arielle - drained
2. In blender, blend the garlic, then add the soaked cashews, garlic, lemon, tahini and sea salt and blend!
raw cashew hummus by - mixing in blender
3. Spoon it out of blender.
raw cashew hummus by be well with arielle
4. Spread it onto a collard green wrap, add in some radish sprouts, dandelion greens, seasonal carrots and avocado.
collard green wrap and be well with arielle
collard green wrap and be well with arielle
5. Roll it up
collard green wrap and be well with arielle

Voila! Enjoy!
collard green wrap and be well with arielle

(Or, dip a chip into the cashew hummus,
spread it on a wrap, or just eat with a spoon!)

#thebestspringcleanse #ilovemefoods #Yummy

be cleansed. be energized. be well.

be well,

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