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Raw “Cookie Dough” Balls

by Arielle J on July 20, 2012

Made these for my colleagues at Integrative Nutrition
yesterday and one said “OMG – these taste just like cookie dough! Need the recipe ASAP”!

They really do taste like cookie dough- kinda crazy.

So here’s the recipe…shout out to Pinterest
(where I originally spotted this photo) and to
for actually taking the photo and creating this delish recipe!’s Version:’s Version:

Clearly mine don’t look as good as hers, but they tasted SO YUM anyway.
I swapped a few of the ingredients (didn’t have cashews or agave in my cupboard) so
thats why they look different. I also rolled mine in shredded coconut, as you can see:)

2/3 c raw cashews (I used 2/3 cups almond flour – you prob should add more:)
1/3 c oats
2 Tbsp Agave (I used raw honey)
1 Tbsp Maple Syrup
1 Tsp Vanilla Extract
Optional Toppings: Chocolate Chips (I also used raw cacao nibs), shredded coconut, cacao powder

1. Blend up cashews and oats into a flour.
(I used almond flour so I just blended up the almond flour + oats)

2. Add your sweeteners and vanilla extract and keep on blending until the dough starts forming like this:

3. if you want the chocolate chips/cacao nibs mixed in, add to blender and blend for a few seconds
4. Scoop it all out and make your cookie dough balls!
5. Roll onto shredded coconut, cacao nibs or cacao powder for some umph or
top with a huge chocolate chip like i did!

*Please note- I made these in a Vitamix which is a really high powered blender.
If you attempt to make these, you may just need to blend for a longer time,
and use less ingredients at a time.

*Please also note- I messed up the measurement for the almond flour. Made it
early in the morning before work so forgot that the equivalent of 2/3 cups cashews
wouldn’t be the same as 2/3 cups almond flour. Silly me. I ended up with not a lot of “cookie dough”
which is why I made mine mini mini. Long story short: if using nut flour, you’ll need more than
what the recipe calls for. Either way, tastes awesome.


topped with a giant choc chip:

rolled with shredded coconut:

Enjoy! If you make ’em, take a pict and post on my facebook page!

be nutty. be sweet. be well.


be well,

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