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Wellness Wednesday: My Louise Hay Daily Affirmation Calendar!

by Arielle J on February 1, 2012

Part of my morning routine is to head to the kitchen, drink a glass of water, take a probiotic, turn on my tea kettle, wash my hands…and then read my "I Can Do It" Affirmation of the day. Placing the calendar (by Louise Hay) right near my kitchen sink somehow does the trick and it reading each one puts me in a great mood.

Here is the affirmation for today, Wednesday, Feb 1: “I respect my boundaries. I insist that others respect them, too.”

affirmation of the day

affirmation of the day


Reading the Louise Hay “I Can Do It” daily calendar has been my daily routine for four years now, and I even rip out the pages to take along with me when I go away! They really help me focus and set a positive intention for the day.

My office used to give them out and this year they didn’t, so I decided to buy one for my desk too.

Here is what it looks like on my desk at work:

adds even more positivity to my desk at work!

adds even more positivity to my desk at work!

And here is what it looks like in my kitchen!:

my calendar in my kitchen!

my calendar in my kitchen!

Some of the quotes don’t really pertain to my life (especially the ones that mention country roads and pets), but as with everything, I take them with a grain of salt…and most of them are GREAT, anyway!

I’m so obsessed with them that I bought ten this year and gave them all out as gifts!

The hard versions are apparently sold-out on, but you can purchase the app here for $2.99.!

Whatever it takes to be a happy and healthy person, right?!

be happy. be positive. be well.


be well,

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