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Un-tangle Your Jewelry = Untangle Your Life!

by Arielle J on January 31, 2012

Until last night, all of my necklaces were tangled into a complete mess. I’ve always attempted to keep my jewelry nice and neat but I’ve never had a good system of really organizing everything. A lot of them I worked hard to create and a some were even handed down to me from my Grandmother, so there’s no reason that they shouldn’t be displayed neatly.

my green-blue pretty!

my green-blue pretty!

so neat and clean!

so neat and clean!

Now that I’ve moved into a newer, bigger, nicer space, maintaining good systems of organization are becoming more and more important to me. When my friend and Professional Organizer, Beth Brodsky, came over to my apartment a few months ago, one of my main agendas was for her help organize the boxes and boxes of tools, beads, charms, findings, chains…and nice, hand-made and vintage necklaces.

my new jewelry organizer!

my new jewelry organizer!

While she was over, I showed her the jewelry organizer above that I had spotted on at a discounted price. While Beth wasn’t the biggest fan of it (because you need to open/close each necklace latch when you want to take it on/off the organizer), for the price ($35 on Opensky plus a discount) and the sole reason that I didn’t want to search high and low for more organizers, I decided to just go ahead and buy it. As you can see, I had a lot of necklaces to organize, so I bought two!

Last night my boyfriend helped me hang it and after an hour of un-tangling and organizing by color (I was inspired from the company’s photo), this is how it looks!

my jeWELLry organized!!

my jeWELLry organized!!

Nice, right?

I couldn’t have been more happy going to sleep last night…and getting dressed this morning was a breeze. My motto has always been “first pick out your accessories then pick out your clothes!” so this will make my life so much more fun and I’m sure my dreams a little sweeter.

love being able to SEE everything!

love being able to SEE everything!

Today, I wore a red necklace from the left, left side. And, tomorrow, I’m going to pick the next one in line.

My mom was right – shopping in your closet really is the best!


be organized. be free. be well.

be well,

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