This past Sunday, I attended/worked at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (the nutrition school I went to) “Rock the Ripple Effect” Conference here in NY! I even helped unveil a new surprise to the students!
As always, the room was filled with amazingly powerful speakers and inspiring students and grads, so I didn’t feel too, too bad about missing the excitement of the NYC marathon.
Below are picts of me unveiling the new and revolutionary IIN ipad!
- on my way out…
- and…here it is! The new IIN ipad!!
- the first nutrition school on an ipad…so cool, right?!
And here is a video of the unveiling!
It’s very exciting because it’s the only nutrition education platform of its kind…you literally learn from the ipad- audio, visual files and assignments, discussions and chatting with students all in one place…that you can bring on-the-go!
So cool, right?!
be educated. be inspired. be well.
be well,