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iloveME Mondays: Meet Julia Argenti

by Arielle J on February 6, 2012

Meet Julia…

She’s not only my really good friend, travel buddy, co-worker, a Certified Health Coach, great cook and baker, amazing interior design consultant AND an organization specialist, she’s also the voice behind the popular blog,, and, of course, an iloveme ring lover!

typical julia: pretty. classy. funky. wearing her iloveme ring and searching through her bag!! typical julia: pretty. classy. funky. wearing her iloveme ring and searching through her bag!

She gives the best advice on how to ask what you want and need. She’s my go-to for any design decisions I make and she always brings me her sweet treats that she makes every weekend! Oh- and she also helped me toss all ugly and unwanted clothing and organize my entire closet! She is jack of all trades, master of all…and here’s a sneak peek into how she does it all!

Get inspired:

Q: What piece of Be Well with Arielle iloveme collection do you have? Metal, Color of Pearl, Diamond?

A gold iloveme ring with a white pearl. Simple, classic, elegant!

Photo taken by Julia on the NYC subway platform! Photo taken by Julia on the NYC subway platform!

Q: How did you hear about Be Well with Arielle and the iloveme ring?
I work with Arielle at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition where we became fast friends. I love the message of her jewelry and it’s super fashionable, so I snapped one up the moment she started making them in gold!

Q: How often do you wear your iloveme jeWELLry?
I wear my ring every single day. I have gotten compliments on it on the subway and even from the butcher at Whole Foods. It’s a statement piece that everyone notices.

Q: So you’re the voice behind– a GORGEOUS colorful, healthy, and inspiring blog AND you have a full-time job AND you’re planning a wedding. It seems that you’re cooking and cleaning and re-decorating and shopping literally every second of every day! How do you keep up with it all? and How do you find balance in your life?

Oh girl, it’s really hard! The key for me is to have rituals that take me back into the present after I run around all day and night, trying to get everything done. Every night I make sure that my fiancé and I stop whatever we’re doing to eat a healthy dinner together and connect. Before bed, I take a piping hot bath with lavender oil to relax and unwind. Rituals like this calm me down and keep me sane! I also schedule one night every week where I’m not allowed to make any plans or appointments. It’s for me only.

Q: What drives you every day? Do you have a favorite uplifting morning ritual?

I make myself a green juice every morning with my new Omega juicer. It gives me a rush of nutrients and energy without caffeine or other additives. It makes me feel more healthy and vibrant and enables me to accomplish the 1000s of things I have to each day!

Q: What is your go-to outfit? and What is your go-to recipe?
Great question! My go to outfit is definitely skinny jeans, a striped shirt, and a blazer….and I wear my hair in a bun 80% of the time. I also wear some sort of statement jewelry every single day of the week. It puts a pop of color and excitement into the outfit.

My go to recipe is this fabulous Otsu recipe that I discovered last year. It’s super easy, and incredibly delicious.

Q: What is one thing that you appreciate about yourself/what makes you different from your friends and family and coworkers?
I have an eye for visual details that makes me stand out. I can always see what will look best in a room, in an outfit, on a wall, etc. People appreciate that and ask me for advice all the time!

Q: What is one thing you want to leave behind from 2011?
Self-deprecation! Putting yourself down only hurts you and doesn’t do any good. Instead, I want to learn from my mistakes and think of them as learning opportunities.

Q: What is one thing you’re really looking forward to doing in 2012?
Getting married. I’m marrying the man of my dreams this September and can hardly wait for the big day.

Q: What is one thing that you’re looking forward to doing this week?
I am going to a super fun fashion week party that I felt so honored to be invited to. I was invited because of all of the hard work that I put into Lemons & Loafers. It’s great to see that what I do pays off!

Julia at her amazingly decorated desk at work! Julia at her amazingly decorated desk at work!

Thanks for sharing, Julia! Your colorful outfits, posts and positive attitude continue to inspire us all. Keep on movin and groovin and decorating our lives with color and style! To check out Julia’s delicious meals and fun fashion tips, go to

I get testimonials from my clients weekly telling me funny stories of compliments that they’ve gotten on their iloveme jewellry…random places where they’ve spotted someone wearing the iloveme jewellry… and best of all, how the iloveme jewellry has made them feel.

So, I decided to capture these stories through “iloveME Mondays”- a post on my client, including a snapshot and some fun tidbits about them.

If you’re an iloveme jeWELLry (ring/necklace/earring) lover and you would like to be featured, email!

be inspired. be sweet. be well.


be well,

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