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iloveME Mondays: Meet Alison Leipzig

by Arielle J on January 30, 2012

Meet Alison Leipzig…a Graphic Designer, Body Confidence Expert and iloveme ring lover!

too sweet!!!

too sweet!!!

FYI- Alison actually happens to be the creative eye behind my current biz cards below so during the process of designing them, I had the honor of spending hours with her! She has the sweetest heart, such a creative eye and SO much patience.

back of my biz, right?!

back of my biz, right?!

Get inspired:

Q: What piece of Be Well with Arielle iloveme collection do you have? Metal, Color of Pearl, Diamond?

I have the beautiful silver iloveme ring with the rocker metallic black/purple-ish pearl.

Q: How did you hear about Be Well with Arielle and the iloveme ring?
I saw a few women wearing the ring at Gabrielle Bernstein’s group coaching and was eyeing the ring for a while. I wanted it once I saw it, it has that sparkle to it.

Q: How often do you wear your iloveme jeWELLry?
I wear my ring almost every day. When I look down at my hand on the days I am not wearing the ring, it feels like something is missing. But even looking at my hand when the ring isn’t on reminds me of the iloveme message and instantly reminds me to honor myself.

Q: So, I know that you’re a VERY creative person, bc you designed my most recent business card! When did you start appreciating your creativity/ know you had a creative eye? and when did you start sharing it with others?
I was always an artist and I loved to paint, doodle, and create ever since I was a little girl. But I never thought of myself as creative until I really began to own it a few years ago. Even though I was creating all the time, I never stepped back and appreciated that gift of mine so whenever anyone told me how creative I was, I didn’t believe them! And now that I honor that gift and talent, my creativity has expanded ten-fold and I LOVE to share it with others. It’s been beautiful to witness that transformation within myself.

Q: What is the best thing to do/eat/think in order to get your creative juices flow?
Three things.
One – shaking my booty to Black Eyed Peas “Meet Me Halfway”. I don’t know why but I can always get any stress out dancing to that song!
Second – lighting incense/candles and meditating. Meditation for me is a sacred time and it often leaves me feeling much more clear and light afterwards. Creativity is truly allowing the creative life force to run through you so when I clear out the stress/anxiety during my meditative state, I can see visions and allow my art to come through.
Third – last but not least is eating clean, whole foods. When I am not eating clean, I can’t think as clearly and totally feel the effect on my creative process!

Q: I know you recently also just graduated from IIN, the same nutrition school I went to! What are you up to now/any plans?
I graduated IIN in December and this year is going to be all about sharing my story and transformation surrounding loving my body. I plan on putting a lot of energy into coaching and speaking in addition to the design/branding work I do with other holistic entrepreneurs. I am hosting a teleclass on February 9th called “Body Confidence 101: How to go from self-loathing to self-love without ditching your desire for a hot bod.” that I am so excited about. Check it out at, I’d be honored to have you there!

Q: What is your favorite healthy treat?
Hands down Luna & Larry’s Coconut Bliss ice cream in the mint flavor. So scrumptious.

Q: What is one thing you want to leave behind from 2011?
I want to leave behind the belief that I need to “fix” myself. I have a clear vision of the woman I want to grow to be but that doesn’t mean that there is anything wrong with me as is. I think a lot of us can fall into that trap. It’s a paradox: we are perfect as we are right now but there is always space to grow, learn, and transform.

Q: What is one thing you’re really looking forward to doing in 2012?
I am looking forward to traveling! Traveling and experiencing new places lights me up and so far I have trips booked for Arizona, California and New Mexico. I am planning one trip to a tropical island as well.

Q: What is one thing that you’re looking forward to doing this week?
I am looking forward to yoga! I recently moved to the East Village and have been searching for my yoga home and I think I finally found it this past week.

Thanks for participating, Alison! To check out Alison’s creative work, click here and to find out more about her body confidence 101 Teleclass, click here!

I get testimonials from my clients weekly telling me funny stories of compliments that they’ve gotten on their iloveme jewellry…random places where they’ve spotted someone wearing the iloveme jewellry…and best of all, how the iloveme jewellry has made them feel.

So, I decided to capture these stories through “iloveME Mondays”- a post on my client, including a snapshot and some fun tidbits about them.

If you’re an iloveme jeWELLry (ring/necklace/earring) lover and you would like to be featured, email!

be inspired. be sweet. be well.


be well,

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