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Healthy Children’s Nutrition Lecture + Banana-Strawberry Smoothie

by Arielle J on May 15, 2013

Today I woke up bright and early
to speak at Career Day
at P.S. 161, an Elementary/Middle School
in Central Harlem.

The guest speakers included an Architect,
TV Producer, NY1 Reporter, Neuroscientist,
an Editor at the NY Times
…and me! Pretty eclectic (and impressive) line-up!

Here is a recap:
Today I was “Chef Arielle” and in charge of inspiring
the Kindergartners.

Every month, P.S 161 has a theme,
and this month’s theme happened to be “LOVE”
so I spoke about self-love: the importance of
loving yourself and taking care of yourself through
food- via healthy, colorful, fresh food.

First, we read Why Should I Eat Well? by Claire Llewellyn

Arielle reading book
I led an arts and crafts project. I had them draw their
favorite “healthy” foods vs. their favorite “unhealthy”
foods. The kids got really into and their pictures came out super cute.

arts and crafts healthy at career day

career day photo


we made a fresh Strawberry- Banana Smoothie out of:
coconut water, frozen strawberries and bananas.

photo (5)

career day

The kids told me it was as delicious
as their favorite drink (Sunny-D) + they
gave me a thumbs up at the end!

Here’s the recipe that I used for the smoothies-
super simple (most kids like the banana-strawberry combo),
coconut water is a nutritious sweet base (much better alternative
than soda, gatorade and fruit punch) +
the exercise perfectly demonstrates how to make
a sweet drink out of fresh fruit-
and no need for added, processed sugar.

Banana-Strawberry Smoothie
1 liter Coconut Water
2 bags (16 oz) Strawberries, frozen or fresh
4 bananas

Blend up all ingredients until smooth. Voila!
*served 50 kids in mini cups

Here is a link
to more smoothie recipes.

Tonight, I will definitely go to sleep
feeling accomplished and that I contributed
to society:)

Can’t wait for next year’s Career Day!

be giving. be colorful. be well.


be well,

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