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Get “Two Dozen Roses” and Organic Chocolates delivered to your doorstep this V-day (ME-day)!

by Arielle J on February 4, 2012


Receive these rganic chocolates + "Two Dozen Roses" organic nailpolish when you purchase an iloveme ring (necklace or earrings)!

Receive these organic chocolates + "Two Dozen Roses" organic nailpolish when you purchase an iloveme ring (necklace or earrings)!

Wishing and hoping for “Two Dozen Roses” and Organic Chocolates to be delivered to your doorstep this V-day?

Well, in celebration of “ME-day” (the new V-day which is all about YOU), purchase a Be Well with Arielle iloveME ring, necklace or set of earrings any day during the month of February 2012 and you will receive an “iloveME Gift Package” above:
+ guiltless organic NibMor Raw Vegan Chocolates
+ “Two Dozen Roses” organic nail polish from Karma Organic Spa
+ a personalized love note from Arielle

Treat yourself the way you would like to be treated!

Place your order soon before I run out of chocolates and nailpolishes (and jewellry)!

be your own best friend. be special. be well.


be well,

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