Wishing and hoping for “Two Dozen Roses” and Organic Chocolates to be delivered to your doorstep this V-day?
Well, in celebration of “ME-day” (the new V-day which is all about YOU), purchase a Be Well with Arielle iloveME ring, necklace or set of earrings any day during the month of February 2012 and you will receive an “iloveME Gift Package” above:
+ guiltless organic NibMor Raw Vegan Chocolates
+ “Two Dozen Roses” organic nail polish from Karma Organic Spa
+ a personalized love note from Arielle
Treat yourself the way you would like to be treated!
Place your order soon before I run out of chocolates and nailpolishes (and jewellry)!
be your own best friend. be special. be well.
be well,