It’s always been a challenge to figure out the right foods and exercise for your ultimate bod, but with the rise of social media, it’s getting more confusing than ever! Do you agree?
Some say plant-based is the key to glowing skin and a fit body, while others say a diet high in protein from animal sources is the best for energy, strength (and fertility). High fiber crackers or gluten-free? Whole grains or no carbs whatsoever? Food combining or intuitive eating? Or strict science-based practices?
What and who should we believe?! And most importantly, what the F can we eat?!
I’m not going to tell you what to eat or how to eat, but below I will offer a few suggestions on how to figure out if a food/theory/philosophy is right for you.
Arielle’s Approach to Figuring Out What to Eat:
1. In order to determine if the food philosophy/food/way of eating is the right fit for you, your body and your lifestyle, test it by the way it makes you feel and the way it makes you feel even about thinking about it. Ask yourself:
– Does this way of eating make me think of my body in a healthy way?
– Does this way of eating excite me to take better care of my body?
2. If you feel excited to test it out, committ to it for one entire day. I believe that if it’s a sustainable approach, it should make you feel better even within one day.
Here are a few questions to ask yourself:
– Does this way of eating fill me up? Do I feel energized when I wake up in the morning? How do I feel during the day? And how do I feel at the end of the day?
– Does this food satisfy all of my cravings?
– Do I feel deprived of any of my favorite foods? If so, what?
– How satisfied am I at the end of a meal? How satisfied am I at the end of the day
– Am I excited to eat?
– Do I feel like this is sustainable? Could I see myself eating this way next week? Next month? Next year? Forever?!
A “healthy relationship with food” is certainly different for everyone. But, eating should be FUN. Do you agree? Food is delicious and meals should feel easy. Do you agree with that, too? And, feeling your best shouldn’t feel like a struggle – it should and could be EXCITING! If you agree, remember that no matter what you choose to eat (and choose not to eat), a food philosophy shouldn’t make you overthink, or feel deprived or obsessive. Food should make you feel empowered, energized and satisfied.
I hope this is helpful. May you feel great about your choices and may you love and take care of your body the way it deserves to be treated.
Be sane. Be healthy. Be you.
be well,
*This information is not intended for medical purposes. Please consult your physician for support, especially if you are dealing with any medical issues.