I LOVE going to the zoo! 2 weeks ago, while traveling around Cali, I stopped in San Diego to visit zoo – particularly to see the flamingos, peacocks and monkeys (my faves).
Um, O.M.G…talk about AMAZING colors, patterns, noises, energy, smells, sights to be seen! Great inspiration if you’re into making jewelry, painting, designing or just living life.
Oh – and here are my hunter-green metallic nails (painted with femme fatale by Karma Organics, inspired by the peacocks!
(While wearing my i love me rings too, of course)
Check out my other amazing nails- inspired by the jaguars.
Wasn’t the sunniest day (it even started to rain) but here are some of the many animals I saw:

– flamingos
– giraffes
– rhinoceros
– hippopotamus
– zebras
– elephants
– monkeys
– gorillas
– lions
– jaguars
– tigers
– okapi
– pandas
– pumas
– peacocks (still my fave!)
be animalistic. be authentic. be well.
be well,