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3 Replenishing Pre/Post Workout Foods + Recipes

by Arielle J on January 1, 2011

3 replenishing foods by be well with arielle

When you’re starving and need something
to replenish you after an awesome (but really tough)
workout, it’s hard to figure out WHAT to eat, right?

Here are three ingredients + recipes that will help your body recover,
are easy to reach for AND
super tasty, filling and energizing for your bod:

simple green salad

Benefits: high in protein, filling, inexpensive, lasts for months in pantry, so many different types, ready to eat and very versatile.
Examples: Chickpeas, black beans, red beans, white canneneli beans, etc
Veggie White Bean Dip
Creamy Bean Pasta Sauce
Simple Green Protein Salad
Black Bean Brownie Bites
Home-Made Hummus

chia seed pudding

Benefits: Tasteless and so good for you they’re like “nutrition sprinkles”. Crunchy when dry, jello-like when wet, high in fiber, omega 3, antioxidants and protein, very energizing + makes you fuller faster. Ready to eat. Sprinkle on top of salad, soup, smoothie, a juice. Keep in plastic bag in your bag, or at your desk at work so they’re ready on hand to sprinkle onto anything.
Chocolate Chip Chia Muffins
Chia Pudding
Sweet Almond Butter Chia Spread



avocado toast 2

Benefits: high in good-for-you fats, replenishing, creamy and satiating and makes everything taste better. If ripe, ready to eat with a spoon, use it as a spread or in a smoothie to make it super creamy and filling.
Creamy Chocolate Pudding
“Cookies ‘n Cream Milkshake” Smoothie
Avocado “Toast”





Keep me posted on how these 3 foods (and 11 recipes) work for you!

And follow me on instagram and facebook for more inspiring recipes and nutrition tips!

be replenished. be energized. be well.

be well,

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