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Smile. Breathe. Laugh. Smile. Let Go. Smile. Some ideas to make you SMILE!

by Arielle J on May 21, 2010

Let your smile become someone else’s smile.

Put two of my favorite things together- tea and quotes = My favorite brand of tea, Yogi Tea.

My quote of the today today was :”Be so happy that when others look at you they become happy too” – Yogi Tea!

Which brought me to the idea of happiness. What can you do to make yourself happy today?

Here are a few ideas: Take a walk to your nearby park. Notice the flowers in bloom. Smell the flowers. Watch people walk by. Smile. Read a book. Read through a magazine. Make a collage. Say thank you. Listen to your favorite song. Maybe, on repeat? Take a trip to your favorite restaurant/dessert place. Buy a cone for the person in line. . (My favorite is Lulas Sweet Apothecary on 516 E 6th St (between Avenue A & Avenue B) – they make soy and cashew-based ice-cream. YUM.) Give yourself a manicure. Go get a manicure. Paint your nails a crazy color. Take your favorite yoga class. Get a massage. Give yourself a massage. Smile. Buy yourself flowers. Buy someone else flowers. Volunteer. Bake something sweet and healthy and delicious. Cook. Smile.Make yourself tea. Sit on a park bench and watch the world walk by. Smile. Write an email to a friend. Write a card. Write yourself a card and send it! Call a friend. Sing. Look at old photographs. Save your leftovers and give it to a homeless person to enjoy. Jot down your favorite thins in life. Just Smile.

Be happy. Be fun. Be Well.

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