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Fight the sniffles!

by Arielle J on January 17, 2011

I rarely get a cold and when I do feel something coming on, I’m usually able able to fight it, or get back to my normal good-feeling self in no time. Last week, I had a bit of a head cold – and although it wasn’t too pleasant the first day (couldnt stop blowing my nose, sinus pressure, chills), i was able to rid it within 2 days!

Take your vitamins!

Here are some of my tips and tricks for a healthy nose and clear head all year-round and when you’re feeling that cold coming in!

1. Drink lots of water.
2. Eat lots of greens.
3. Take a probiotic (I like Innate)
4. Take a multi-vitamin (I like Rainbow Light).
5. Nourish your mind with positive thoughts.
6. Exercise (I like yoga!).
7. Wash your hands often with soap and water. (I dont believe that hand santizer actually cleans your hands)
8. Get lots of rest.
9. Inhale peppermint and eucalyptus to clear out your sinuses. Lavendar is used to relax you and has anti-bacterial properties too!
10. use a netipot.
11. wear a hat and scarf and gloves during the winter. Heat releases most from these places (dont go out with your hair wet!).

1. drink lots of water.
2. drink lots of tea (preferably herbal/non-caffeinated)
3. drink soup broth (good quality- not wonton soup from your local chinese restaurant).
4. intake oregano oil (few drops under your tongue, or in water)
5. eat foods rich in vitamin c to delay the onset of the cold: red peppers (more vit c than an orange!), orange, grapefruit, broccoli,strawberries, kiwi, brussel sprouts, peas, etc.
6. take supplements- zinc, echinacea, vitamin c.
7. think positively
8. get lots of rest
9. boil a pot of water, put a dash of peppermint and eucalyptus in the water an put a towel over your head to clear out your sinuses.
10. use a netipot
11. put a few drops of Apple Cider Vinegar in your water. It’s vinegar, so thats what it tastes like..but its sort of sweet. And, sort of tastes like kombucha. It will clear out the mucus in no-time. People swear by this.

Be resilient. Be healthy. Be well.

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